Wednesday 25 June 2014

Peacock Pie Love

Hello lovelies,

Today I have an absolutely stunning polish to show you! I recently made a purchase from the ever so lovely and talented Serra at Peacock Pie. Today I am sharing with you Kinki-winkle (the name gives me the giggles). This polish is part of a whole winkle series that I simply must obtain! Check of Peacock Pie on Etsy to see what I am rambling about.

Anyhoo Kinki-Winkle is is a deep red jelly that leans to maroon packed full of periwinkle (including triangles), gold, silver, red and iridescent glitters. Basically it is beautiful.

I am a huge lover of jelly polishes especially vampy delicious ones such as this.

Prepare yourself for the gorgeousness that is Kinki - winkle! I used 2 coats overtop of Star Kin Vampy.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Friday the 13th Full Moonicure

Hello lovelies,

today I am showing you the nails I wore for Friday the 13th FULL MOON! *creepy music*

I decided it would be cool to do some moon nails for this special occasion. I have been wanting to do moon themed nails for a while now. This was the perfect opportunity.

I really like these nails!!
Okay sit back and enjoy my picture spam of Galaxy/moon nails!

Friday 13 June 2014

Peel off base coat and ALL the glitter!


Hello lovelies,

 Today my Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter A Peel arrived!! *happy dance*

I am so excited to trial it! I hate removing glitter polish. I have started peeling my polish off *smacks hands* naughty.

I decided the beautiful Marina by Star Kin was the perfect candidate to trial!

Prepare yourself for some picture spam!

 I used two coats of Glitter A Peel, three coats of Marina and one coat of Seche Vite.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Kitty Cat French Tips.

Hello lovelies,

Today I have done some cute kitty cat french tips. When i was a teenager I had this thing where I sort of collected cats. You see I am a collector at heart, and my parents liked to indulge me. So I had a black cat, a white cat, a ginger cat and a tabby cat! They were my wee inspirations for this manicure!

These are my pretty kitties! 

Milo was our first family cat shes currently 18 years old!

Monday 2 June 2014

Ch - ch- ch- changes.

Hello lovelies, 

Expect to see some changes around here, I am going to try to be more present in my social media accounts and will try blog "more often". I am trying to get the hang of changing updating my blog, but that will be a bit of a work in progress seeing as I am a little bit computer illiterate! 

One of my goals is to do more nail art. Nail art is my first love with polish so I am trying to make more of an effort. I feel in order to improve my skills I need to set more challenges to myself and showcase even the stuff i don't feel is "good enough". 

Life does get in the way and I do study and work full time so finding time to blog regularly is a tad difficult sometimes. That is why I am not putting to much pressure on myself and just trying to be more active than regular :) 

I also am thinking of hosting a giveaway once my tumblr and facebook hit my follower goals! 
facebook is currently at 1,876. My goal is 2,000 then I shall host an international/nz only give-away!! 
tumblr at the moment is my main account I update as it is easy I am currently sitting at 375 followers and my giveaway goal is 500! 

I know they don't seem like much compared to many in the blogging world but I really didn't set out to even have that many so that is an accomplishment for me :) 

Anyway I am creating this wee message to motivate myself I guess to try a bit harder at my blog, because nails are my passion and I do love sharing them with like minded people within the nail art community. 

I have dipped my hand into jewelry making/nail sets. Once I have straightened out the kinks I will reopen my Etsy shop and have another go at making my love for polish into a little business. I have so many inspirational ladies in my PANZ (polish addicts NZ) group that are amazing and if I could be even a little as great and successful as them I shall be a happy little chappy. 

I have a little list of things to improve my blog such as camera, lighting and software for editing. For now it is okay - these are my long term wishes (seeing as my money tree has lost all it's leaves lately). 

Anyhoo I thought I would share these goals/aspirations with anyone whom wishes to read a little more about me! 

Oooh! one more exciting thing currently in the world of Painted Talons NZ is that my Arctic Monkeys nails got re-blogged by the official UK Arctic Monkeys blog on tumblr and is currently sitting at 498 re-blogs/likes - this is very exciting for me! 

that's all for now folks, 

Sunday 1 June 2014

Mass NZ indie post - part 2!

Here is my belated part two of my mass NZ indie polish post for last month! This one is still very picture heavy but not as bad as last time. I will get straight to it! 

Day 21 - Mermaid Lagoon by Star Kin. This is a beautiful custom Ami made me! A blue crelly filled with gold and lilac glitters.